Why Did Paul Make Tents? – Condensed

Five reasons why Paul’s example gives us our best hope for finishing advancing world evangelization: As a strategy for evangelization, it is presented in its entirety in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit preserved it in great detail, so we would adapt and use it. It has produced remarkable results throughout history wherever it has…

¿Por qué Pablo Hizo Tiendas? Abreviada

Prólogo “¿Por qué Pablo hizo tiendas?” puede ser la pregunta más importante que debemos hacer-nos al entrar en nuestro siglo XXI de misiones.La pregunta surge porque muchos países en nuestra era “pos-colonial” restringen la entra-da de misioneros, pero dan la bienvenida a las personas con la experiencia que necesitan. Muchos cristianos están usando sus profesiones…

Aquila & Priscilla: Power Couple

I have always been intrigued by Paul’s tentmaker team members, Aquila and Priscilla. We are not privileged to a lot of information about them. What we do know is that this power couple (Prisquila?) was among the earliest known Christian missionaries in the first century. Aquila and Priscilla were business people who made tents, and Paul was one of…

Why Did Paul Make Tents?

A Biblical Basis for Tentmaking “Why did Paul make tents?” may be the most important question to ask as we enter our 21st century of missions! The question arises because many countries in our “post-post-colonial” age restrict the entry of missionaries, but welcome people with expertise they need, so many Christians are using their professions…

The challenges and joys of today’s tentmakers

Finding & keeping housing Getting & renewing visas Difficulties with bosses & coworkers Working too many hours Cultural frustrations Maintaining focus on ministry Instant communication with home Locals with agenda Spiritual oppression Team conflicts/fellow tentmakers Maintaining Spiritual Disciplines Materialism Expatriate trap   Finding & keeping housing Job contract may include housing When you finally get…

Why we use the term tentmaker

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tentmaking is the concept, worked out in three categories: Professionals, Business people & University students. The trifecta of tentmaking. Rationales given why we should not use it:   It requires a definition! This argument is mute as any other word ie. “Kingdom Professional” also requires an explanation and has even less connection to the bible,…