The Tentmaker and Prayer

Prayer is essential for tentmakers because they are in the frontlines in this cosmic war for control of the world. They spend much time with outsiders and most serve in spiritually hostile countries. They fight many fierce battles. A few years ago, the U.S. government put pressure on Muslim Afghanistan to let tentmakers put up…

The Church – Sending Base for Missions

Some of our GO applicants who wish to serve the Lord abroad as tentmakers or missionaries come from churches with little or no missionary vision. Yet as they go abroad they need moral and prayer support from their home church, and maybe financial support as well. The fact that the applicants are missions-committed gives them…

Aquila & Priscilla: Power Couple

I have always been intrigued by Paul’s tentmaker team members, Aquila and Priscilla. We are not privileged to a lot of information about them. What we do know is that this power couple (Prisquila?) was among the earliest known Christian missionaries in the first century. Aquila and Priscilla were business people who made tents, and Paul was one of…