Ora et Labora

At Global Intent, we have three passions that really stand out as distinctives: We are passionate about God. We are passionate about Unreached People Groups. We are passionate about work. As a tentmaking organization, a lot of people would wonder why I don’t put tentmaking in those passions. The reason is that tentmaking is inherent…

Thumbs rule?

One of the elements of tentmaking is wielding technology without being enslaved to it. On the one hand, you have some people who claim, “Thumbs rule!” and they would prefer to tweet their term papers in 140-character bites if they could. Other people claim, “If email was good enough for Jesus to write the Gospels,…

Oligodendrites vs. The Internet

Oligodendrites. It sounds like I’m just being erudite, but you should really take better care of your oligodendritic formations. In 2011, Nicholas Carr wrote the book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing To Our Brains and I first thought, “Come on. It’s ridiculous to overstate that the Internet is changing our brains!” Yet, that’s…

Put Down Roots

Here in Florida we’ve got Bermuda Grass, aka Wiregrass, and I have to admit that my yard is full of it. Years of living in the Middle East make me think I should let God grow what he wants to grow in my yard, so I don’t do much to groom my lawn. Wiregrass just…

Carriage Return

You are a genius There is a whole field of linguistics called Discourse Analysis and you are all experts in it. You may not analyze the rules that each of us unknowingly use, but the rules are there. Don’t worry, they’re not the boring rules of syntax, morphology and semantics, but they are “suprasentential” which…

Welcome to the Director’s Corner

Welcome to the Director’s Corner Each week I’ll be posting a short inspirational message, a reflection to consider or a report about the happenings of Global Intent. Feel free to interact with these through comments. I appreciate you exploring with me.   Enjoy!